Carrying on with the Galaxy theme why not make yourself a Space/Galaxy phone or iPod-Touch case. I think you'll receive loads of compliments from this.!.
Now to do this your going to need:
- An old unwanted case (preferably a fabric one or a synthetic leather one and then just rip off the leather part)
- Acrylic Paints
- Fabric Paint
- Clear Nail Polish (or you could just leave it like I did)
- Something to mix colours in (preferably a disposable plastic dish but I used a mixing tray)
- A Sponge
- and lastly a toothpick (or a brush but....I would use one you don't mind throwing away..)
- And a lot of TIME & PATIENCE (something I don't usually have...)
Hobby Craft - Pebeo Fabric Paint Black & White Volume and Petrol Metal (Metallic) - Each £1.69
Hobby Craft - Daler Rowney System 3 Acrylic Paints in Crimson, Ultramarine and Titanium White
(come in a 10 piece set for £16.50) |
You can get any of these from any store or online. I already had these since secondary school when I did Art and Textiles so feel free to buy cheaper alternatives, and let me know if you do.!.
Since my iTouch 5th Gen. is Red the case I had was red and because I'm such a butter finger I had a flip case. So with the
Black Fabric Paint I had to paint all of the case black (even the flip part) but if you have a black one then you can skip this step!
Once completely dry I used the
Metal Fabric Paint in the colour
Petrol to form shapes or sort of waves on the case with sponge. It may look plain but once you start building up colour it'll be cool.
Now when this is dry you can start adding other colours. Here you can start being creative and mixing colours. I chose to stick to the typical colours like purple.!. (mix blue & red) I added the metallic blue to as a shine to it.
For me it took usually half a day or a day for each part to dry. So perseverance.!.
I added different tones of red, purple and blue since they are the typical colours. I used a toothpick to mix the colours together.!.
Make sure when you paint the flap you use a similar pattern or colour to that for the back of the case otherwise it will look odd.!.!
Once you think your done and its completely dry then with the Pebeo - White Volume Fabric Paint with either a toothpick or even straight from the bottle you can make little galaxy and even a planet like I did. The volume paint will dry in a 3D format so it'll be slightly raised and give the case a much more 3-Dimensional look.!. Finally with the White Acrylic Paint make little dots to form stars.
And Your done.!. Enjoy.!.
P.S. (OPTIONAL) You could coat the entire case in clear nail polish to make it extra shiny and most likely last longer but....quite frankly I didn't.... and I did this ages ago.....and its still fine.!.
L.F.A. Xx